1. New method for the extraction of licorice Licorice is extracted from the plant’s root, which contains many active ingredients, including glycyrrhizic acid (GA). The traditional process is performed by percolation of water at room temperature. The juice is then concentrated by adding a strong acid causing precipitation of the GA. The new process developed by RLD produces a Natural Purified Extract (no chemical agent is used), i.e. an ‘organic’ product. The extraction is carried out by percolation of "liquorice" in an alcoholic solution heated to 50°C. The concentration of licorice is obtained by heating, with gradual evaporation of all the alcohol and most of the water. Alcohol vapours are condensed and the alcohol is recycled. The heating of the percolator and evaporators is provided by steam. Set-point temperatures are adjustable from + 80°C to +130°C depending on the process stage. The entire installation is inerted with nitrogen.
RLD Thermique et Ingénierie
7 avenue Marie Curie - 38 500 VOIRON - France - t: +33 4 76 05 03 88 - m: +33 6 73 74 38 79 - contact@thermique-ingenierie.fr
General Engineering Special exchangers Expertise
Ingénierie Génerale Through the diversity of demands and problems already addressed, RLD has built an extensive network of knowledge and experience in the field of industrial heat and cryogenics. Customer problems are analyzed and quantified so as to write an optimized tender specifications. The expertise of RLD in low temperatures brings to the industrial fields innovative thermal solutions little or not known to the traditional engineering institutes. RLD is able to offer solutions combined with recommendations of suppliers and with supervision services from the design stage to completion. References